
I am very excited to start this blog! You will have to bear with me while I work on getting everything up and running. My purpose is to help girls and women see they are worth more than what the mirror says. It’s something I’ve always struggled with, and unfortunately it is something most females struggle with today. I plan on posting bible verses and thoughts each day. I will also post information about being healthy and healthy recipes. The number on the scale is simply just a number! It’s how you feel and your health that are important.

I know there are a blue million sites on self-esteem, beauty, weight loss and being healthy. My site will be different because I want girls and women to see that beauty starts within. I want them to see that God sees them as precious jewels. I want them to see themselves how God sees them. I am currently working on the about me page and plan to add several more pages in the following week.

Love in Christ,

Iva Mae