Worshipping Through Grief

photo from boundless.org


It has been way too long since I have posted. I am going to do better. Life always seems to get in the way. I am going to share something that is painful. I didn’t want to share it, but I have felt so compelled to share it. I wrote a draft post and refused to look at it again or finish it until now.

A lot has happened since I last posted in February. In August I had surgery to remove endometriosis. I have had pain and problems for years. One of those was infertility. We have been trying to have a baby since 2014. I had a miscarriage in 2015. We were unable to get pregnant after that. We were hopeful that this surgery would allow us to have a baby. It seems the surgery was successful, I’ve not had pain. In October, I found out I was pregnant.

We were so excited! Finally! My husband and I talked about names, we talked about how we were going to move things around to make a nursery, and we talked about how we hoped we would be good parents.

I never thought that another miscarriage was possible. I truly felt this time that we would get to hold our sweet baby! It was due in June of 2019. We even told our family over a special dinner.

I had to have blood tests right away since I have had a miscarriage before. I started to worry. The tests came back with levels too low. Then I had complications and that ended with me having a miscarriage. Even as I type this, the word makes me cringe. My greatest fear came true.

When I first found out that this pregnancy was not going well, I was devastated. Then I was angry and hurt. I remember driving home from work so mad at God, I cried red hot tears. I didn’t understand how He could let this happen. The one thing we have prayed for, for years, finally happened and now it was being ripped away.

After crying out in anger, I felt guilty for getting angry. Then I felt sad. This pregnancy was different than the first one. We had an early ultrasound. I got to see it. My husband and I felt so happy after the ultrasound. Less than a week later the baby was gone.

I was so sure that this time it would be okay. Finding out that the baby was gone, felt like being crushed by boulders. When my Mom dropped us off back home from the hospital, I completely broke. I was and still am heartbroken. I still don’t understand or know why. I just have to trust that this was for the best.

My Dad came and picked me up the next morning and took me to get some coffee and so I could get my car from my parents’ house. He mentioned David and what he did after the death of his child. Once I got home, I read 2 Samuel 12. David’s child with Bathsheba fell ill and died. When he heard that the child died, he got up, washed and anointed himself and went to the house of the Lord and worshiped. His servants were confused with David’s actions. They didn’t understand why when the child was sick David didn’t eat and mourned but when it died, he got up from his grieving bed. I love how David answered them.

2 Samuel 12:22-23 “And he said, while the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live? But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.”

David did not stay in his grief. He knew that he would see his child again one day. He worshiped God. I have discovered that worship brings comfort. I took time to grieve. The day after I lost the baby, I went to church and was anointed. I wanted to be like David. I asked God at the beginning of this that He would get the glory.

Worship has been the key for me. Knowing God is good even when He doesn’t answer prayers the way we want has been a comfort as well. God is good, even though the things He allows bring me pain. Though he slay me, yet I will trust him. Job 13:15 I don’t understand why, but I chose to trust the Lord. I hope that I can help someone else.

I lost the baby October 27. It has been over a month now. I have my good days and bad days. Thanksgiving was hard and this month has been a little hard as well. We would have gotten to hear a heartbeat this month. Instead of hearing our sweet baby’s heartbeat, I have a broken heart. It is hard to not blame myself. There is a guilt that comes with a miscarriage. You think that there is something wrong with you. You think that if you would done this or not done that it wouldn’t have happened. Sweet friend, these are lies from the enemy to oppress you and destroy you. He wants nothing more than to use your grief as chains to keep you down. Satan wants to make you feel like this is your fault. This is not your fault. That is a lie straight from the pits of hell. These things happen because they just do. It isn’t comforting, but it is the truth. These things happen and we don’t understand why we may not until we get to Heaven.

Friend, if you are going through this or have gone through this, know this is NOT your fault. You are loved. You are not alone. When Satan tries to destroy you with lies about who you are, remember whose blood covers you and all sins. There is nothing that you can go through that will make God love you less. He loved you enough to give his only begotten son that we can have eternal life. Jesus overcame the world and He will help you overcome grief. Not every day will be perfect. You will have moments, sometimes out of nowhere that will bring you to your knees. Keep strong, keep holding on and keep trusting God.

Worship the Lord. Do not think that because you are broken you cannot worship. That is a lie from the enemy. Worship brings healing! I listed some of the songs that I have been worshiping to well sometimes ugly crying and worshiping.

Worship Playlist:

Trust in you- Lauren Daigle

Thy Will – Hillary Scott & Thr Scott Family

What a Beautiful Name – (Hillsong) Kari Jobe

You Say – Lauren Daigle

I Am Not Alone – Kari Jobe

Who You Say I am – Hillsong Worship

The Hurt & The Healer – Mercy Me

So Will I – (Hillsong Worship) Tori Kelly

Reckless Love – performed by Steffany Gretzinger

8 thoughts on “Worshipping Through Grief

  1. Sis I am so sorry for your loss. I had to go to the bathroom and have a good cry because this broke my heart. I still believe that God is going to bless you with a baby, I truly feel it with all my heart.
    I miscarried once and to this day when I hear of someone losing a baby, I feel the pain.
    I love you and I am praying for you and Kyle.

  2. Iva momma and dad waited a lifetime for you and they got one of the best ….you and Kyle will be blessed when the time is perfect. thanks for sharing …love and hugs Geneva

  3. Iā€™ve been through this. I know your pain. I believed that God promised me a child. I just didnā€™t realize how it would come about. I miscarried twins Oct 20, 2006. I will never forget. Then in 2015 my niece moved in with me. She ended up having a little girl. That baby now calls me Mimi. Sheā€™s not mine by birth but sheā€™s mine from God. I am so thankful for her. Sometimes God answers our prayers in ways we cannot even imagine.

  4. Iā€™ve been through this. I know your pain. I believed that God promised me a child. I just didnā€™t realize how it would come about. I miscarried twins Oct 20, 2006. I will never forget. Then in 2015 my niece moved in with me. She ended up having a little girl. That baby now calls me Mimi. Sheā€™s not mine by birth but sheā€™s mine from God. I am so thankful for her. Sometimes God answers our prayers in ways we cannot even imagine.

  5. Dear Iva,
    I personally have not experienced loosing a child, but you know that I am living through loosing a grandchild (John Thomas Francis Jan 5-2016 /June 20-2016). The pain and the loss of his presence and the void is so final that it can be tough at times. Our life without John and while of course we have many things to be thankful for the loss is hard and can be very heavy as I also feel the pain of not being able to fix my daughter’s heartbreak and sadness grieving for her son.
    I offer my condolences, my prayers and know that you are not alone and that it’s okay to grieve so that you can grow forward in your path of life. I turn to God and the power of prayer along with wonder family, friends and at times complete strangers who are gracious to run along side of us on the journey.

    Be you, YOU are beautiful in God’s Plan!

    Sondra ~

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