Bringing Down The House!!!



After reading this verse today, I thought about how I was building my house and what was I doing to tear it down?


Am I doing enough to lift my house? Am I praying enough for my husband, for our marriage for our future children if God allows? Am I gossiping, and causing strife?


I take the role of a wife very seriously. It is my desire to love my husband and put God first in our marriage. I want to see my husband excel and succeed in many things. Most of all I want him to excel and succeed in his walk with Christ.


I try to make sure I encourage him and pray for him every day. Am I doing enough?


How many times at home do I work on the actual house instead of praying for my house? I have a clean freak problem. I cannot stand clutter, a dirty bathroom or kitchen. I’ve have stayed up late just to make sure my house is clean. What about my spiritual house and my duty as a wife to the spiritual leader of my home?


I wonder if I am doing more building or demolition. Sometimes we need to get our spiritual house in order. We need to check ourselves to see where we stand.


Each week before I go to the store, I check the cabinets and the fridge to see where I stand in supplies. I make a list so I won’t forget. I also look for things that are going to expire soon so I can use them and I throw out things that are expired and rotten. They make your house stink. After I do that I take the garbage out so the smell of the rotten food won’t make my house smell.


In our lives and our spiritual houses we need to look for rotten and expired things and do a check to see what we need so we can get it. We can clear out the dead things that are weighing us down and giving us a spiritual stink. Once you throw it in the trash, take out the garbage so it’s not even in your house anymore.


I encourage each of you to think about what things you may need to clean out of your house to get rid of the spiritual stink. Think about if you are building up your house or tearing it down. If you’re tearing it down, what things do you need to do to build it up and fix the parts that are torn down?


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Some examples of things to get rid of:

Gossip, envy, strife, pride, bitterness, jealousy, idols, lying, and anything else you can think of.


Examples of things to take stock of:

Prayer, daily reading and devotions, fruits of the spirit, encouragement, and joy