The First Commandment

In Exodus Chapter 20 God gives Moses the 10 Commandments. The very first commandment is Thou shalt have no other gods before me (verse 3).

What is the definition of a god? According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary a god is a person or thing of supreme value.

What things in your life could be considered a god? TV, computer, best friend, spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, work, hobbies, sports or phone?

What things do you put before God? I am very bad about putting my favorite shows, comics and other books before God. I come home from work, eat dinner and sit down to watch my shows or read. I have time to read my bible or go to church I just chose to do something else instead.

I am not sure why that I do it, but it just happens that way. At lunch I also watch Netflix on my iPad. I have a bible ap on my iPad. It makes me upset that I do it. Sometimes I don’t even think about it. I just sit down and eat my lunch and watch a show or movie.

I had been good about reading my bible every morning. Recently work has been more stressful than usual and instead of reading my bible at lunch, I choose to watch a show to give myself a mental break. I’ve noticed that my days haven’t been as pleasant and I’ve found myself being more stressed out. The other day I had a meltdown. I do not normally have melt downs. I was upset about everything and worrying about everything. I had no faith about the situation. I was fretting when I should have been reading and praying.As a Christian I need God’s word to grow. It helps us with so many things!

I am striving this week to make time to read my bible.


Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”


God made the first commandment to not have any other gods before him because he knew that if he was in the center and at the head of our lives all other things would be right in them.

My challenge to you is to examine your life and think about what you put before God and how you can make changes to put God first.

Sorry there’s not been a post for a while. It’s hard to get things from God when I hadn’t picked up the word! I apologize and promise to not let it go so long between posts.

Love in Christ!

Iva Mae

Fruit of Hate?! What a sour bite!

This past week I’ve been struggling with hatred in my heart against someone. I’ve tried to get rid of it but it really hard. This person isn’t a good person or even a decent person. The world would say I have reason and would justify my hatred. Jesus says love your neighbor as yourself. It is hard sometimes to have love for people who have hurt you and people you love. Sometime people are out of your life and then come back like a bad penny. This is what made my hate resurface.


It is easier to hate than love. That doesn’t make it right though. The person is someone who lives in sin and influences others to go down their path of self destruction. It’s hard to have compassion for people who act in such ways. As a Christian I can’t feel that their behavior is acceptable. Hate the sin not the sinner. I ended up praying that God would make a way for this person to not be involved in our lives anymore. I prayed that no harm would be done to this person. I just don’t want their influence or power over others around my family.


My devotion this morning about the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-25) gently reminded me that I need to cut my fruit of hatred off of my tree. It was making my branches weighed down. Sometimes you have to prune your branches so you can grow and get rid of all the dead things that weigh you down. It is not comfortable but it is necessary in order to grow. You will know a tree by its fruit. What does your fruit say about your tree? Do you need to get out the trimmers or maybe the chain saw (that’s what I need) to get rid of your dead limbs and bad fruit? I challenge you to examine yourself and get rid of the bad and work on producing more of the good. I am working on it! We all need a good pruning sometimes!


The fruit of the spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. What are these qualities that we are supposed to have?


Love – unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another

Joy– : a feeling of great happiness; a source or cause of great happiness ; something or someone that gives joy to someone; a state of happiness or felicity; bliss ; a source or cause of delight

Peace – a state of tranquility or quiet: as; freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions; harmony in personal relations

 Longsuffering – suffering for a long time without complaining; very patient during difficult times; patiently enduring lasting offense or hardship

 Gentleness – the quality or state of being gentle; especially mildness of manners or disposition

                         Gentle – having or showing a kind and quiet nature: not harsh or violent; not hard or forceful; not strong or harsh in effect or quality; free from harshness, sternness, or violence

Goodness – the quality or state of being good

                        Good – virtuous, right, commendable, kind, benevolent

Faith – : strong belief or trust in someone or something; belief in the existence of God; strong religious feelings or beliefs; firm belief in something for which there is no proof; complete trust

Meekness – having or showing a quiet and gentle nature; not wanting to fight or argue with other people; submissive

Temperance – the practice of always controlling your actions, thoughts, or feelings so that you do not eat or drink too much, become too angry, etc.


 What fruit is on your tree? Which fruit of the spirit do you need to work on?



The Heart

Today alone I’ve heard at least 6 or 7 comments from women about not feeling good enough or pretty enough and 2 have been from me.

There is so much pressure on women to look perfect. Turn on any television or get online and you will see adds for make up, hair color, shoes, clothes, breast augmentation, weight loss and self improvement. Every message we see and hear says buy this, wear this or do that and you’ll be beautiful. Some even give the message that unless you wear this make up or wear your hair a certain color you won’t be beautiful.

Anymore I hate watching TV. I like dressing up and wearing make up but I don’t need to wear those things to be beautiful. I was reading today and came across a verse about what defiles a man. It’s what comes out of the mouth because that comes from the heart.
Matthew 15:11 “Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which comets out of the mouth, this defileth a man.”

If we would start with our hearts and do things to improve our heart, we would see true beauty. Beauty lies in our hearts and our actions and words. You can put all the make up on and take diet pills and color your hair but if you don’t have a beautiful heart then there is no true beauty. I’ve seen a lo of girls who look beautiful when you first see them, but once you get to know them they are ugly.

We don’t have to let the world’s definition of beauty define our beauty. Let’s smash the lies and start over. Let’s start over where it matters, back at the heart.


Today I did something a little bit crazy.  At first I didn’t want to do it! I thought it was a bit silly, but I did it anyways. I told myself this morning that I was beautiful, smart, kind and important. I wrote in RED lipstick on my mirror… “I am beautiful!” When I woke up I wasn’t feeling very beautiful. I’ve heard a few people say recently they don’t feel beautiful or feel down after comparing themselves to someone else. So I decided to make today’s post about that! Hope it helps someone!


Sunday night on the way home from dinner with a couple of our good friends, we saw this brand new Mustang. The girl in the passenger seat had bleach blonde hair and was very pretty. At first I felt inferior. Then I really looked at her face and saw her expression. It was one of those I am better than you looks. She was laughing at my husband and I. I realized right then and there that I was prettier than she was. Who she was inside was ugly. She may have been pretty on the outside but she was ugly where it counts.

When we glance in the mirror we instantly criticize ourselves. We find every flaw. Mirrors can be good. They reflect light and can help you make sure you don’t have broccoli in your teeth. Mirrors can also be bad. They can give you a false vision of yourself that can make you feel ugly, fat, stupid, worthless, not good enough and undeserving.

I chose Lies From The Mirror as the name of this blog because I was sick and tired of feeling and thinking those nasty things above and seeing others feel that way as well! I often lack confidence. I am afraid that people will judge me based on if I had time to put make up on this morning or not. I worry that people will choose not to like me before they know me. It’s sad, but a lot of people do judge others based on appearances only.

Lies from the mirror are lies from the devil. I chose a cracked mirror for the background because we need to shatter those lies and stand up and say I AM BEAUTIFUL!!! I am a princess! A royal heir to THE KING of KINGS! I am a daughter of God. I am good enough! I recently read the book The Help. Abileen tells Mae Mobley every day, “You is kind, you is good and you is important.” Abileen knew the importance of making sure that Mae Mobley knew she was more than what her Momma or the mirror said.

What if we started saying that to ourselves, our children, our family and friends? We could change the world and break the image our minds see in the mirror!

Check out this video of this little girl who knows how to talk to the mirror!



My Heart

I wanted to share with you why I wanted to do this blog. I struggled so much as a young girl and it carried over into my adulthood. One of the only things I remember from Kindergarten is being made fun of. I remember exactly what was said to me and where I was. We all were sitting in the floor listening to a story. The little girl next to me said, “You look like boy! You’re wearing jeans!!” She laughed and it made me cry. I didn’t understand why she decided to be mean to me when I was nice to everyone. After that day it took me a long time before I would wear jeans again.

Later in Elementary School, I had a teacher that didn’t care for me for some reason and put me in the slow readers class. We were given little stories to read and had to highlight words we didn’t know. I would constantly get in trouble because I wouldn’t have anything highlighted. I was a good reader and I knew what all the words meant. Eventually I started highlighting words so I wouldn’t get in trouble.

I liked a little boy in my class one year in my class. I told him I liked him and he laughed and said he liked another girl who was pretty. Why would he ever like me? This is where my confidence started to leave me. I started to believe that I was ugly. The other girls were prettier. They had nice clothes and hair. I thought about myself and how I looked and this is one of the first times I looked in the mirror I didn’t like what I saw. I was gangly, I had a huge gap in between my two front teeth. I had bangs and my hair wasn’t blonde or brunette it was somewhere in between. I decided that I wasn’t pretty like the other girls. My self worth was fading. It doesn’t help when you get picked last or not picked at all for square dancing or teams. It really doesn’t help when everyone on the team decides they will lose because you got put on their team.

All through school kids picked on me and made fun of me. I have even had a teacher pick on me so other kids wouldn’t talk to me. She made up lies and told everyone that I had an illness. A lot of kids wouldn’t have anything to do with me. That same year I was paired up with the most popular girl in school for pen pals with an elderly woman at a nursing home. The other girl invited the woman to her house for dinner and brought a gift for her the day we went to visit the nursing home. The old lady made it very obvious to me that she didn’t care for me. She wouldn’t talk to me and ignored me the entire time. I felt that I must be the worst person alive. I didn’t understand why people didn’t like me. I began to wonder why on earth God would create a person like me. My family loved me but I thought they had to so it didn’t help my confidence.

The devil had a hay day. I didn’t understand it then, but he would whisper things in my mind when I looked in the mirror. I saw someone who wasn’t good enough, someone who wasn’t pretty, someone who wasn’t loved. I saw a joke. It’s amazing how young you are when the devil starts trying to destroy someone.

Middle School didn’t get any easier for me. I started to hate myself so much. Kids can be so mean. I had a few friends but not a lot. I started staying home from school because I didn’t want to have to face kids in school who didn’t like me. I begged to be home schooled or go to another school. In Middle School the boys called me hairy because I wasn’t allowed to shave my legs. Some of the guys made fun of me because I couldn’t play sports. In one gym class one kid made fun of me so much I got sick from crying. The hate for myself starting growing. I started self mutalating. I would bang my knees up against the wall or bath tub because I though I deserved to feel pain. It became my escape. I ended up hurting myself bad enough a few times that I ended up on crutches. Most kids were nice to me and offered to help me get from class to class. I hated myself but I hated that I hurt myself in secret. I would lie and say I feel down. A lot of kids thought I was faking my injuries. It upset me but I didn’t want them to know the real reason so I stayed quiet. By 7th grade I had put all that behind me and I had a lot of friends. We all accepted each other for who we were.

I stopped hurting myself physically but started depriving myself of food. If I thought I ate too much I’d go throw it up in the bathroom at school. Near 8th grade I was a size 0. I wanted to stay that tiny. Everyone said I was skinny and they were jealous. I thought I’d finally achieved something and finally had a reason to feel good about myself. In between 8th and 9th grade, I moved to a size 5. I still struggled with eating all throughout high school. I had a love hate relationship with food. I wanted to eat what everyone else was but I didn’t want to get fat. What I didn’t know at the time, is that when you don’t eat, your body goes into starvation mode. It stores fat. I gained weight instead of losing it. It made the situation worse. I didn’t realize exercise and eating right were necessary in being healthy and being at a healthy weight.

I began eating more and was a little heavy my junior year. I thinned out by the end of my junior year. I was so excited to be a senior! I was having some trouble with my ankle and went to the doctor. It turned out that I had a tumor right above my ankle on my fibula. I went through a lot that summer. My best friend Tiffany was right by my side and helped me through everything. God was by my side and if it weren’t for Him and my faith, I’d have never gotten through anything. In June of 2004 I had a biopsy of the tumor on my leg. The results came back and it was cancer. I had osteosarcoma. I was ready to go through whatever God wanted but I was still scared. I was anointed at church and I believed that God could heal me. I got so close to God. I knew that He would bring me through. I went to see my cancer doctor and he began to tell me all the things I would have to go through. They would remove my fibula from my ankle to my hip. I would have to miss my entire senior year with therapy and chemo. If that didn’t take care of the cancer cells I would have to have an amputation. It was so much to hear. I was upset, as any 17 year old girl would be. We walked through the hospital and I saw all these children who were in wheel chairs. They couldn’t walk and never had been able to. They were so happy. I got so mad at myself for being so selfish. I realized that if I had to have an amputation, I would at least be able to know what sand through my toes feels like and grass. Those kids never had that opportunity. I left the hospital that day with a newfound strength and appreciation. No matter what happened, God would take care of me and I would be okay.

On July 7, 2004 we received a call from my doctor. He said they had my biopsy sent off to a hospital in New York and they couldn’t find any cancer cells! I was cancer free! I still had to have the tumor removed and be in a cast for the summer. I didn’t care! As long as I could go to church camp, I didn’t care. I got my cast off the second day of school in my senior year. I gained a lot of weight from not being able to walk for an entire summer. By the end of Senior year I was in size 12’s from a 7 and I weighed 170lbs instead of 150. The summer after I graduated high school I lost a lot of weight. It continued in my first year of college. I started eating better and using the stairs to go everywhere. My first non babysitting job was a runner at a law firm. I was able to walk everywhere in the city to deliver and pick up things. I was healthy and happy.

After a bad break up I didn’t eat. I didn’t even realize that I wasn’t eating. When I did eat, I would get sick. I got down to 120lbs. I was too skinny and I was able to fit into a 6. Eventually I began eating again. I started dating my husband. We went to McDonald’s a lot. I started gaining weight but it didn’t hit me as to why. I was working full time and taking evening classes and then eating dinner at 10PM. I was heading towards a very unhealthy path. When my husband and I got married in 2010, I was the heaviest I had ever been. I was 175-180lbs. Out first year of marriage was tough. My Grandma Nickels passed away June 8, 2011. 5 months later my Grandpa Wagoner died on November 8, 2011. Our car broke down, my husband’s job situation fell through and I turned to eating. By June of 2012, I weighed 190-195lbs. At my heaviest I was 195. I was miserable and heart broken. I had no clue now I got so big. My friend introduced me to a 24 day challenge from Advocare and I started losing weight. It helped me realize what I was putting in my mouth every day. I was eating junk and my body hated me for it. This past June 2013, I weighed 150. I as so proud of myself! My goal is to be 140-145lbs and in an 8.

I have realized on my journey that I needed God. I got saved at 6 but in 2012 the devil started making me doubt that I’d ever said the salvation prayer. I struggled for a long time with it. Finally one reading the bible God spoke to me and said if you have a doubt, then take care of it. I prayed that prayer and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was saved. I haven’t looked back since.

I have realized that you cannot eat junk and be healthy and I have realized that comparing yourself to others gives you no satisfaction. Compare yourself to yourself and to what God wants you to be. I still struggle with the comparing thing all the time. I’m getting better. I put it all out there for others to see. Writing this was very hard for me. I cried a lot and had to stop several times. I knew my story needed to be heard.

I wanted to start this blog because I knew other girls have gone through this or are going through this and they need to know they are not alone! I will try to post something every day. 😊

Love in Christ,

Iva Mae 💜


I stole this picture from my beautiful cousin Katie.